Staying safe this summer
Written by Zoe Russell, BSc (Hons), ANutr
Nutrition Officer, Naturediet
Longer days, warmer weather, blue skies, the smell of BBQs… it can mean only one thing- summer. For many of us, summer is a wonderful time of year, however for our pets it can be a challenging time as the temperatures start to soar. To help keep them safe, there are ways we can manage their routines to make sure they stay happy and healthy this season.
The importance of hydration
Water is an exceptionally important nutrient; however it is often the first limiting nutrient. Around 70% of the body is made up of water and if a dog loses about 7%, this can cause severe dehydration, while a loss of 15% can be fatal. Therefore it is so important to provide your dog with a constant source of fresh, clean water to drink from. Furthermore, if you are using wet food, this may help increase your dog’s water intake as our wet food is provides around 70% moisture*.

Making feeding fun
It’s important to keep your dog’s mind active, not just through activity, but through enrichment too. Our Naturediet wet food is perfect for spreading into Likimats or Kongs and popping it into the freezer. This provides a refreshing meal in the warmer weather, but also provides a source of enrichment to help keep their minds working.
A change in appetite
Just like us, it’s not uncommon to see your dog’s appetite drop throughout the warmer months. To support them, try and offer their meals early in the morning or late in the evening when it’s cooler. Don’t be frustrated if they eat slightly less than normal, as it’s likely their energy output will be slightly lower anyway. We would suggest keeping an eye on their weight and condition and monitoring any changes. If you are unsure how to body condition score your dog, check out this free, helpful guide here.
Walking worries
During the warmer weather, it’s important to walk your dog early in the morning or very late at night when it’s cooler. To check if it’s appropriate to walk them, try stepping onto the pavement in bare feet or hold the back of your hand on the concrete. If it’s too hot for you, then it’s too hot for them. Outside of their walks, most dogs will take the opportunity to rest in the shade. However if your dog is excitable or high energy, try to discourage them exerting themselves by providing relaxed, shady areas for them to settle.

Pesky parasites
There are many critters that flourish in the warmer weather- some of which are very much unwanted! Bugs like ticks and fleas are particularly prominent at this time of year, so make sure you keep up to date with your dog’s flea treatments and keep running your hands over them to check for ticks. If you find one, then remove it using a special tool, otherwise you risk not pulling the whole thing out.
Contact us
If you need any nutritional advice or information, please give our nutrition team a call on 01362 822 320 or email us at and we would be happy to help.
*wet food should never be used a as a substitute for drinking water. Fresh, drinking water must be provided at all times alongside a complete and balanced diet.